Acceptance is the key element that assists us in letting go. Freewill can play a role in directing effort and discipline towards letting go as well, while faith and surrender can assist in allowing us to let it happen. Simplicity and non-attachment are interrelated and complementary. They contribute to one another and a variety of ways."
~ Barry John Johnson, The Periodic Table of Spiritual Elements
My theme in the practices I have been teaching this week have been on the 5th Yama, Aparigraha, or non-attachment. I have discovered that which is needing let go of in my own life and have committed to establishing myself firmly in this element. I will no longer hold a social media presence on Facebook, so if you followed me there, I'm grateful you found my website. I will keep my calendar up-to-date with my full schedule of offerings, announcements, and upcoming events through this platform.
Please don't hesitate to reach out and connect and even better...come, join me in practice!!!