Yogi Endorsements ticker

Here's what yogis are saying about Empower Tucson Yoga! "Tiffany is a terrific yoga teacher. Her passion for yoga is obvious and her enthusiasm is inspiring. She really connects with her students on an individual level. She incorporates much insight about the spiritual and physical benefits of yoga practice, while making the class a fun experience." Danielle L.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Women's Yoga for Healing - New Moon in Aquarius Offering - Monday, 2/8/16, 7-8:30pm at Tucson Yoga, 148 S 4th Avenue

One of the most profound sources of our spiritual insight and feminine power is the very thing that we, as women, are taught to hide or ignore. Often referred to as the m's - our menarche and menopause, our menses and moods. 

We have learned to take ownership of many of our uniquely feminine gifts, yet the roots of our femininity, our cycles, are still remarkably pushed to the side. When they're spoken of, it's as something that seems separate from us and needs to be managed, or something to be singled out and discussed apart from our large femininity. Despite all the advances we've made in the field of feminine empowerment over the past century, our cycles, and our bodies in general, remain our final frontier. 

You see, our feminine cycle isn't a "curse." It's an alchemical miracle, hiding in plain sight, happening right in your own body. And if you learn to work with it (rather than against it), you'll be amazed at the creativity and strength you'll find there. It turns out that when we live in harmony with our cycles, our world gets a whole lot easier. 

We need to reclaim the ancient knowing that our cycles are our hotlines to the holy, and when we participate in them, we all become mystics. They're actually a tremendous gift, especially for those of us walking the path of conscious femininity. It's time to forever change the way we see and live our cycles, because they have everything to do with our power and happiness potential as a woman.

Here's a wonderfully informative blog I've found as a spark of inspiration on my own divine feminine empowerment journey; http://womanswheel.com/menstrual-activism/  

Be sure to also check out Jane's adorable video encouraging all menstruating women and girls to consider healthier and eco-friendly alternatives to disposable tampons and pantyliners, such as Eco Femme's cloth pads; http://ecofemme.org

Come, join me THIS MONDAY, 2/8/16 at Tucson Yoga Studio for an all levels, empowering (women's-only) restorative yoga therapy offering. We will be focusing on drawing upon the healing energy of the New Moon in the freedom-loving and community-inspiring archetype Aquarius; 

Women's Yoga for Healing 
New Moon in Aquarius Offering
Monday, 2/8/16, 7-8:30pm
148 S 4th Avenue - Tucson Yoga 
$12 drop-in, passes available