Yogi Endorsements ticker

Here's what yogis are saying about Empower Tucson Yoga! "Tiffany is a terrific yoga teacher. Her passion for yoga is obvious and her enthusiasm is inspiring. She really connects with her students on an individual level. She incorporates much insight about the spiritual and physical benefits of yoga practice, while making the class a fun experience." Danielle L.

Monday, February 10, 2014

"A letter of love, light and gratitude: Breaking the chains of fear and attachment"

Each day we wake up we have a new opportunity for happiness. We live this life for ourselves, not for others, therefore we need not seek approval nor acceptance from others for doing what truly cultivates a path lined with joy into our own lives. We need to simply begin the journey and see where life takes us. Rather than allowing ourselves to be held back by limiting beliefs and staying on the wrong paths, knowing something doesn't feel right and feeling as though something is missing. This is not practicing truth and honesty within ourselves and if we aren't honest with ourselves about what brings us happiness, then that's where our journey needs to begin. To follow a path of self-love, to stay present through all of life's experiences, good and bad, we discover what lights us up inside and shed that same light on what smolders our internal flame. We learn to gravitate towards souls that empower us to rekindle the fire, and even help to make our light shine brighter than it could on its on. 

First, we must learn to love ourselves. We must learn to be vulnerable and practice life in a way where we discover what truly brings joy and happiness in ever-increasing amounts. Truth, honesty, self-love, mindfulness, acceptance, and understanding. Isn't that something we all want, to be understood? To be heard? But what do we want others to hear? It's hard to break down that wall of protection and to allow others in, so that they can understand us and we can allow ourselves to receive the love we deserve. This is truly where our journey begins...to freedom, to love, to happiness and to truly living this life the way we need to in order to feel fulfilled and full of purpose. 

The changes that are happening are what we all need to move forward on our own paths. Maybe we've traveled a long, bumpy path for too long and it's time to take a different route, confidently in the direction our heart leads us. Not for others, but for ourselves, individually. Love begins with truly loving oneself. Once that energy is put out there, we will attract the ones best for our journey. We all have cycles that bring on heartache and pain, experiences we all wish we didn't have to go through. But, sometimes it's the only way we arrive at the destination of loving ourselves. Being present, being mindful during the troubling, yet enlightening experiences, learning to embrace the discomfort and pain. Really study it. Understand it. And let it be. Let the feelings and tears flow freely to rid our bodies of the pain and the past. Take a deep breath, or maybe several...over and over again, until we feel the sense of calming winds of change. We then finally see the sun shining bright in a clear blue sky, with eyes wide open and full of understanding, that things are exactly the way they need to be as we continue on this journey of life. We are all on our own imperfect journey, uncovering who we are more and more each and every day.