Yogi Endorsements ticker

Here's what yogis are saying about Empower Tucson Yoga! "Tiffany is a terrific yoga teacher. Her passion for yoga is obvious and her enthusiasm is inspiring. She really connects with her students on an individual level. She incorporates much insight about the spiritual and physical benefits of yoga practice, while making the class a fun experience." Danielle L.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Find Healing this February with these Upcoming Therapeutic Yoga Love Offerings!


In Chapter Six of his book The Periodic Table of Spiritual Elements, author Barry John Johnson discusses the Spiritual Element of Equanimity and explains that through quiet and Stillness within, our Divinity becomes known and we gain access to all good stuff that comes with that; we get Heaven on Earth. 

Why would we want this scenario not to happen?  Maybe we avoid it by holding chaos, conflict, drama and the latest gossip because we feel unworthy of our own Divinity at some level. At some point, however, acting (or reacting) in a particular way becomes a choice. 

Equanimity at least gives us an opportunity to see what is occurring within, making our choices known. 

Why choose chaos? To deny the natural bubbling up of Equanimity that comes with a quieted mind is to deny our true nature and the Divine. 

Come, join me for a quiet practice TODAY that will offer you the space to re-establish your connection with this innate quality of your Soul's Divinity.

.:Yin Yoga with Tiffany::.
Sundays, 3:30-4:45pm
150 S 4th Avenue - Tucson Yoga 


“Om. With loose flowing tresses, poised with equanimity, with the radiant half moon upon her head, her three eyes are shining like the full moon.” – Durga Puja

We live with the confusion that we believe ourselves to be this body and attached to every thought of this mind, and we feel burdened by the difficulties of the world. 
We forget that, in actuality, we are Divine beings in a Divine world, and that we have a Divine purpose.

Durga is “She Who Removes All Confusion,” or the “Durgam” from our lives. Mother Durga is the Goddess who guides us beyond all confusion to the place of stillness and clarity. There we can perceive Durga’s infinite energy in all aspects of creation.

Come, join Mariah McCammond and myself THIS MONDAY NIGHT for our Full Moon Women's Yoga for Healing offering where we will invoke the Great Mother Goddess for Inner Strength and Protection. 

.::Women's Yoga for Healing::.
{Full Moon in Leo} featuring Live Music by Mariah McCammond
MoonDay, 2/6/17, 7-8:30pm
148 S 4th Avenue - Tucson Yoga


****UPDATE: The Winter Yoga for Healing Trauma Series has been CANCELLED. Please check back for future offerings. 

Next Trauma Series open to WOMEN ONLY begins 3/19/17 at Tucson Yoga, Space is Limited - Register TODAY!****

This therapeutic yoga series starts NEXT SUNDAY! If you have thought about registering, please REGISTER TODAY! 🌞 .::Healing Trauma with Yoga::.
{Winter 3-Week Series} 
Sundays, 2/12, 2/19, & 2/26, 12-2:00pm
148 S 4th Avenue - Tucson Yoga
$75 Full Series - Limit 12 participants 

When our bodies are feeling uneasy, they give us messages. The purpose of these messages is to inform us that something inside doesn't feel right and it needs our attention. If these messages go unanswered, over time, they evolve into the symptoms of trauma. The symptoms of trauma can be stable, that is, ever-present. They can also be unstable, meaning that they can come and go and be triggered by stress. Or they can remain hidden for decades and suddenly surface. Usually, symptoms do not occur individually, but come in groups. They often grow increasingly complex over time, becoming less and less connected with the original trauma experience.

Come, join Tiffany for this upcoming therapeutic yoga series that will encourage you to let these symptoms have their natural flow so they can then begin to diminish and resolve. In this practice you will experience trembling, shaking, vibrations, waves of warmth, fullness of breath, slowed heart rate, relaxation of the muscles, and an overall feeling of relief, comfort, and safety. 


When everything is comfortable and pleasant, human beings become complacent. It is being under pressure that makes us sit up and think of what has yet to be done to reach our goals. Awareness is not increased one iota unless we are put under pressure. 

Pains in the neck are either self-created or come from others who will not bend to our will. The surrender that we must make in our asana practice is a symbol for the surrender of our Self-will to the Most High. 

As the physical pressure is released, the body comes into balance; similarly, as the ego lets go of the weight that, in it's self-importance, it has imagined, the burden is removed. As convictions and strong opinions allow themselves to be swayed, we realize that there is no up, there is no down. The authority of the Self-will is undermined.

Come, join me in a practice that will allow you to surrender to the inevitable ebb and flow of life. As you let go into a space of stillness, giving your physical body a rest, your mind will be soothed by the accompaniment of sweet string guitar melodies offered up by Rich Rodriguez. 

Both offerings include a meditation,  restorative & gentle yoga, and yoga nidra. Aromatherapy is added to help alleviate the effects of stress, tension, and anxiety. Come, join us for these upcoming therapeutic Yoga Love offerings! 

.::Yoga for Stress & Anxiety::.
2ND TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm
•Tuesday, 2/14/17
•Tuesday, 3/14/17
•Tuesday, 4/11/17

.::Retrain Your Brain::.
4TH TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm
•Tuesday, 2/28/17
•Tuesday, 3/28/17
•Tuesday, 4/25/17

Classes offered at Tucson Yoga Studio in Downtown Tucson, 150 S 4th Avenue.
$12 drop-in, Passes & Membership Available *Consider Dana for Musician*