As the wheel of the year continues to turn, it seems we just celebrated Autumnal Equinox and Samhain, the Cross-Quarter day between Equinox and soon Winter Solstice will be here. The days will slowly begin to lengthen again but before that, we will gradually move into the darkest part of the year. The time when all slows and we can’t help but turn inward, drawing around us that which warms and sustains. We will have held within us the seeds which we sowed, that have rested in the fertile, dark soil of our minds and hearts waiting to be born in the Spring.
While it is not yet time for that, we can take this time to look at what we have stored up and wanted to see come to fruition. Perhaps some took flight, even now. Maybe some have been seen to not be viable and some may need to be held and nurtured some more to make ready and ensure that they will be able to blossom when the time is right. Perhaps as you have spent time in the slow, dark days, you have discovered something new that you would like to see come about in the coming year.
Kim Knebel and myself will be partnering again to bring this rich day of Yoga and Mala-Making to you. Restorative yoga practice, nourishing, nurturing oils and tea, mantra and Mala-making creativity all combined for only $65, if you pre-register. Your paid reservation secures your place.
The number of participants is limited, as it takes time and a certain amount of attention to ensure everyone goes home with a beautiful, finished piece. There will be new, thematically related Mantra Cards for you to take home to work with along with your Mala. All materials are provided.