Register TODAY to join me (Tiffany) and Diana SkyEyes as we partner up to bring you an experiential series of offerings to activate your chakras and guide you on a sensational journey through all 5 senses!
at Three Jewels, 314 E 6th Street
Saturdays - 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30
1:00-3:00pm & 4:30-6:30pm
Pre-Register from Friday 4/10/15 - Sunday 4/12/15
Call Tiffany at (520) 300-0078 or email
to reserve your spot TODAY!
Rates After 4/12/15:
Single Class Drop-In - $40
Single Day Drop-In - $70
*Full Workshop Series - $200*
*Payment Options Available*
Chakra Activations: A Journey Through The Senses
by Diana SkyEyes & Tiffany Georgia
We live in a time of great changes in our world and powerful evolution. Join us as we ingnite the potency within each chakra and activate our deepest power! Together we will experience a journey through our senses using sound healing, trance journey, expansive yoga techniques, essential oils, crystals, herbs and in depth discussion of each chakra.
We invite you, mind, body and Spirit, to co-create a healing circle with us as we deepen our understanding of the energy centers at our core. In turn, that healing can be brought into our world and daily lives on behalf of all beings. Blessed be!
This class will meet on Saturdays in May beginning on May 9th and then 5/16, 5/23, and 5/30 at the beautiful Three Jewels studio in downtown Tucson, 314 E 6th Street.
Class times are in two segments from 1-3p.m. and 4:30-6:30p.m. with a meal break in between.
May 9: Introduction to Chakra Work & The Root Chakra: Our Connection to Earth
May 16: Second & Third Chakra : Our Seat of Creativity & Power
May 23: Fourth & Fifth Chakra: Our Heart Meets Our Voice
May 30: Sixth & Seventh Chakra: Igniting The Third Eye & Opening to Celestial Guidance
We wanted to make this offering affordable for everyone. Class cost is only $200 for the series and includes all materials and handouts. A payment option of $100 down payment and two payments of $50 is available.
We are happy to offer a drop in rate for particular Saturday classes, if desired or you are unable to attent the full series.
The cost is $70 for full day (4 hour) class, or $40 for ½ segment class (2 hour).
Once you have registered, further information will be sent to you about the classes.
We are both excited and delighted to share this spiritual offering with you!
Thank you, and be blessed!
Diana SkyEyes is an herbalist, teacher, musician, songwriter and wise woman. She has devoted many years to the study ofmagickal practices & ritual, music, world religion, women's mysteries and natural healing. For the past twenty years she has been an active priestess & teacher in public/private rituals within her community, a performing songwriter and sound healer, as well as a Moon Lodge leader and a tarot counselor. It is her passion to share the bliss with you!